By Èlia Ramoneda
Buried is a Spanish movie directed by Rodrigo Cortés that was released on October 1st 2010.
Paul Conroy, an American truck driver who works in Iraq, wakes up to find that he has been buried alive. He only has a lighter, a knife, a Blackberry and a flashlight. He starts to call some American people, saying that he was on a mission in Iraq, his convoy was attacked and he was buried alive. Nobody believes him, but when he calls some Iraqi people, they do believe him and try to find out where he is. He makes his will; he leaves his wife 700 dollars and leaves his son his clothes. The people who kidnapped him demand five million dollars but nobody wants to pay them because they do not want to make any deal with kidnappers.
The movie had many good reviews and was evaluated with 8 out of 10.